Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Weinhard Hotel Photography from 2009.

In 2009, my Stepmother passed away, so I came home on leave.  Dad put myself and my oldest son Chris up in the Weinhard Hotel.  During my stay there I took advantage of the photographic opportunities afforded by the hotel.

I have seen a lot of talk about the Weinhard Hotel on the "All Things Dayton, WA" Facebook page so I thought sharing my photographic perspective from my stay might be enjoyable to folks from Dayton.

These are some detailed photographs of the Weinhard Hotel interiors.  Click on the photographs to see more detail.  (If you desire copies or copied files of these photographs please contact me.  Please don't just copy the photos without asking permission.)  

Details of the foyer and then the upstairs.

Coming down the staircase this is what you would see.

Some details of items in the foyer.

Photographs of the halls of the upstairs and some details.

One of the items from the room I stayed in.

There was a rooftop patio, which was really unique and beautiful.  Photographs include details and the train caboose viewed from that patio. 

I hope you enjoyed this photographic journey into my perspective.

Friday, April 26, 2024

The Dayton Washington Green Giant Project.

 This is my first "Photography, the Arts and Other Things" blog since 2018, this project started with photography around October and November of 2019 when the roadside attraction was first set up.

This is historically significant to Dayton Washington, where I reside, and many of my family members have resided before me.  I am not a historian, but I enjoy history. My aunt, Liz Carson is an amateur historian, but I have a different way of approaching history.  The photography here is only enhanced for possibly straightening slanted shots.

The Roadside Attraction.
I like to view scenes from various compositions
and perspectives, thus I have three views 
of the signage used for the roadside attraction.

The signs tell the story of "The Giant on the Hill",
and the Green Giant Cannery. 
By clicking on the photographs you will be able 
to enlarge them and read the information within.

It is my understanding that "The Giant on the Hill"
has undergone some variations and changes
over the years.