Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Fragmented Perception

Looking yourself in the mirror of you life,
face to face with who or what you are.
Or is it what you think you are? Facing
long days and dark overly silent nights,
trying to make sense of those things you
have seen, tasted, touch and smelled.
Your senses shattered, mind scattered and
tattered, by the horrible reality around you.
You take on a different likeness unlike
yourself, a fractured perception of what
you are. You no longer know the sum of
all the parts, because they do not always
fit, not like they use to. Where is that
person who you were, what really
happened to him? Moving from light
to darkness and back again, trying to
find your soul. You scream silently in
your soul for quiet from the screams in
your mind and pray the smell of burning
flesh will leave you forever. It never
leaves along with the emptiness that
is constant that you find no relief for.
Look behind you and see yourself
following, like a specter haunting yourself.

Welcome to a Fragmented Perception
Just another perspection.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Art...you reach deeper within yourself, than most people could comprehend. Any of us, that survive horrific circumstances, come away in pieces...fragments of who and what we were. Tho we are made stronger, by each experience or lesson learned, we sacrifice a part of ourselves in payment....is it worth it? In the long run, I say YES. The only constant, in life, is change and we must adapt to survive....that being the primal instinct, in us all. There is a common thread, which inevitably binds us to one another, weaving the fabric of life. Were it different, would we survive...alone? You and yours, are in thought and prayer....Blessed Be...V