Monday, October 30, 2006
Saturday, October 28, 2006
More photography from Walkabout
Just a few more Photographs and thousands
more unspoken words.
These things I see through the lens of my
camera, some good some bad. Images that
tell tales and stories. Moving me more than
the words of great poets, or authors. Painting
instantly those things around me.
I took these the same day I did the ones in
my previous post.
Welcome again to my perspective.
Posted by
10/28/2006 11:31:00 AM
Sunday, October 22, 2006
Just Photography from Walkabout.
While out on walkabout. I saw
a few things that I felt I needed
to shoot photos of.
These are just a few.Did I need to say more?
I don't think so.
Posted by
10/22/2006 07:32:00 PM
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Fragmented Perception
Looking yourself in the mirror of you life,
face to face with who or what you are.
Or is it what you think you are? Facing
long days and dark overly silent nights,
trying to make sense of those things you
have seen, tasted, touch and smelled.
Your senses shattered, mind scattered and
tattered, by the horrible reality around you.
You take on a different likeness unlike
yourself, a fractured perception of what
you are. You no longer know the sum of
all the parts, because they do not always
fit, not like they use to. Where is that
person who you were, what really
happened to him? Moving from light
to darkness and back again, trying to
find your soul. You scream silently in
your soul for quiet from the screams in
your mind and pray the smell of burning
flesh will leave you forever. It never
leaves along with the emptiness that
is constant that you find no relief for.
Look behind you and see yourself
following, like a specter haunting yourself.
Welcome to a Fragmented Perception
Just another perspection.
Posted by
10/17/2006 04:32:00 PM
Sunday, October 08, 2006
More about Leave
During the first couple of days of my leave,
Dee had not yet made it to the US. It is hard
coordinating leave from overseas sometimes.
I spent a lot of time with my Son, Daughter,
Grandson, and granddaughter, during those
days. It does my soul good to look at these
photographs of these Grandchildren. The
beauty of the whole thing is that I am still
young enough to enjoy participating with them.
I miss them.
Posted by
10/08/2006 06:36:00 PM
Thursday, October 05, 2006
Going on leave
These are photographs overlooking the wing
and engine of the plane I flew home in on leave.
I took these images because I liked the
contrasting of the plane over the blanket
of clouds.
Our flight took us to Budapest ,
which unfortunately it was night so we didn't see much.
Then to Ireland We arrived
just at daybreak. On to Newfoundland
We came in during the day and I have to tell
you, Dee and I are going to see this place
some day. Talk about beautiful wooded
areas, lakes, and from my understanding
many other sights to see. From there on to
the USA, and my family. More to come
from this story.
Just a view
I guess I needed to clear something up. I'm
already back to work from leave, I'm just
relating the story of the trip.
Posted by
10/05/2006 08:49:00 PM