Friday, May 05, 2006

Continued Writings

Window to the Soul.

When does anyone become fully in touch with who they are? Does anyone really know their true self? I feel it may take most people a lifetime to truly know who they are or think they are. Then sometimes surprisingly they find out that they where not even what they thought they were. I know a lot of people who seem to know what they want, what they are about, where they are going. Do they really know, or are they under a self imposed illusion that they are living out. Some are constantly seeking, to know who they are. They strive day to day trying to come to grips with the life they have been given. Sometimes that personal battle ends in tragic finality. People who find nothing and are not patient, or what they find or think they find is worse than what they can deal with. I do not know everything there is eo know about myself and sometimes what I do find is surprising.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very best site. Keep working. Will return in the near future.