I have seen many people, places, and things go by. Everyone has regrets about things in their lives, and skeletons to. The more your life passes on toward its eventual finality one realizes that what directions where taken were probably taken for a reason. One could drive themselves crazy with the hind sight is 20/20 thing, analyzing, chastising, and just plane making themselves feel bad or go on learn from the mistakes and make better decisions. Some just wallow in it and never recover. I've made dumb decisions and good ones as everyone has. One of my better decisions was Dee my wife. I would never trade her for anyone or anything. People in this day and age do not understand commitment. Some say "It is too hard to work at a marriage", they will never be happy or satisfied, because they will give up and never try. Granted some people should never marry in the first place. Too self-centered or arrogant, or cannot love them selves enough to even begin to love someone else. Dee and I got married young, we made our relationship work but it took lots of work. We love each other more than then now. I always tell young people I meet who are going into relationships, don't marry too young, be sure you are right for each other, and don't go by the feeling. Commitment often does not hinge on how you feel about each other day by day. Little things he or she does will drive you crazy sometimes. Commitment is overlooking the weaknesses of a person excepting them and loving them without always trying to change them to fit your mold of what you thought you were getting. Young couples be sure you want to commit to that person for the rest of your life or don't do it.
The roads of life are long often dusty, muddy or rough. You will always find a fork or intersection and have to make decisions about which way to go. Usually there is no turning back once you go there and that is the way things are. Be sure and make the best of it, and stop to smell the roses along the way.
One quick picture just for fun and I will close for now.
Across many waters to lands far away.
Far from the arms of my true love.
Look to the stars of Orion my love, or the moon and sun.
We look on them together from different times and locations, but we are as one.
AAE tm JUNE 4 2006